Since 2014, L-Tour has organized lesbian and rainbow tours and events to promote the history (herstory and history) of Brussels’ LGBTQI+ communities, via lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people and associations.

Our objectives

The website has several aims: bringing visibility to, defending, supporting and promoting any initiative and production undertaken by LGBTQI+ people and communities, especially those within its most minoritized groups (lesbians; women; those with physical challenges due to, for example, disability and old age; different racial groups;…).


Through activities related to specific projects or made available to the general public.

  • L-Tour offers guided tours in Brussels as well as library visits, workshops, des conferences and major events (exhibitions, national and international meetings, …).
  • The paedagogical website provides the greater public with texts and documents, testimonies and portraits, research and analysis, that allow us to discover ‘who’ did ‘what’. These tools on memory also allow us to understand the mechanisms of discrimination that are specific to our communities, and find the means to fight them and work towards real societal progress.

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L-Tour’s activities

Guided tours

The guided tour covers the achievements and thoughts that evolved from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries to the present day, and includes certain information that date back to the 17th century. Cosmopolitan Brussels thus serves as a springboard for our local, national and international history.

Library visits

Library visits enable us to access reading materials to complement widely-available literature and sociological research.


L’organisation d’événements (expositions, rencontres…) et la tenue de stands d’information favorise la visibilité de nos communautés LGBTQI+ et les échanges.

Conferences and Workshops

Des conférences – accompagnées de débats – permettent d’approfondir de manière vivante les sujets abordés durant les parcours. Les formations en assurent un suivi plus approfondi encore.